
C- Day… wahoo!!!..

Sometimes it’s hard… it’s like you really wanna do something, but you feel like you are incapable so you just don’t. Ever feel like that? I thought so… me too. But, that is not biblical! God says through his strength we can and are more than capable! So whatever that thing is.. God is bigger and so are you as Gods child.. you got this! Don’t tell yourself otherwise.. Do it and thank God for the capability!



Oh yes! It’s B-Day!… this is exciting!?

Today I just wanted to speak a blessing over y’all… and I would like you to speak this over yourself and your family if you can as well!..

The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.

Your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed.

You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.

The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven.

The Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The Lord your God will bless you in the land he is giving you.

Deuteronomy 28:4-8

When I was praying about what the B should stand for he brought the word blessed to mind! Right then, I remembered something God spoke to me a while ago.. I may or may not have shared it a while back… But, I know for a fact God would like me to share it so here it is…

This is exactly what He told me: “To have blessing isn’t to feel blessing, but to walk in blessing. If you want to be blessed by me don’t try to feel blessing. Just walk in my blessing.”

So you see, God wants to bless us! Meditate on those verses and the promise today.. Gods got so much to say and wants to say it to YOU!!!

Have a blessed day! 😃

Remember: So far you are Absolute and Blessed!

-Ruthie 🙂

A Day 😃

I’m so excited to announce that I am starting a idea that has been on my mind for a little while now… things have calmed down so I will be blogging more regularly now! Yaaaaay!

Sooo… here’s the idea.. I will be going through the alphabet, starting with A, giving a word of the day and writing about it! Fun right!?.. I think it’ll be good…. I will learn a lot and I hope y’all will too 🙂

A Day…

The word for today is ABSOLUTE.

Oooo gets you thinkin doesn’t it!?! I love this word.. because it is powerful and real! Buuuut… do you know what it means to be absolute?..

To be Absolute is to be complete. To be whole.

How many of you are asking.. “How is that even possible?” I used to ask that same question! But it is extremely possible… in fact everyone in the world is absolute.

God says that if you follow him you are completely his no matter what you do! He has made you whole and total. How amazing is that!?

However, if you are not his. Then you are entirely of this world. You are absolutely covered by sin, instead of the blood of Jesus. Now that is scary.. I don’t mean to be harsh, but this is real.

You cannot be half Gods and half sinful.. you must choose. God didn’t make us to be robots because he loves us enough to give us the choice… when one of His children chooses sin He cries long and hard because each of you are worth everything to Him!

Be ABSOLUTE-ly Gods child! And follow Him entirely. Give Him your complete attention. That is my prayer for all of you 😃

You are Courageous

Do you feel weak? Scared? Fearful?..

Those are feelings… not truths! You persevere through each day. You keep trying even though you feel hopelessly alone. You are so afraid the past with take your future. Your thoughts tell you that your overwhelmed with even just the idea of “that” happening again. Everything around you seems to point to the path of fear….

Yet, look at you! Seriously look! You are still fighting.. even on your bad days there is a piece of you that looks for hope… you strive for understanding. You want so bad to be free. Even though you feel like no one sees you.. you wanna be free, so that everyone may see how strong you truly are! I admire you!

I’m crying right now because there are sooo many people in this place.. I used to be too. You may not feel courageous, but if you are still on this earth you are courageous.. because life is hard. But, you are worth it… so fight for you in this time! God says your worth it and God says you deserve life and life to the fullest! You are full of courage… thank God for every bit of that.

I am beyond confident that God wants to pull you out of this situation your in… no matter what it is! I speak hope, life, prosperity, and peace into your life as you read this! Amen!

You guys are courageous!

Branch out

Hey y’all!

I’m just gonna jump right into what God has to say…

Do you ever think: I wish I was good at that. I really wanna do that!

Why can’t you? What’s stopping you? Seriously, think about it.

Do you believe God can do anything? I do. Anything and everything! So why couldn’t he give you a new talent?? The fact is He can.

Don’t limit yourself to just what your good at. Branch out and let God expand you!

I’m not saying you need to be good at everything you want to be good at. I’m saying.. if you are passionate and have a desire to do something, but feel like you can’t, do not give up so soon. Ask God to give you that gift! He wants to!

Have a great day and be talking to God.. He has something to say!

– Ruthie

Friendly reminder to myself 🔥

Life gets hard at some points. No one can deny that fact. Yet, everybody looks at those hard times as impossible mountains and sees themselves as tired, weary travelers at the bottom. Not me! I jump to the top of the mountain. Though my strength is drained, my legs are shaky, and fear roams my mind… I know who I am. And that is Gods child! However, it wasn’t easy to figure out who I am. It was hard. It is hard. But, I cannot take credit for what God has done! He is so good! He is the one who guides me up those mountains. I speak to him and he speaks to me. I am wise, not because of my wisdom, but His. I am chosen, not because of my calling, but His. I am beautiful because of his beauty and light that shines so bright through me. I am strong, not because of my strength, but of his power. I could go on forever… But, the moral of the story is… Wherever you’ve been, whatever your situation is, however you got here; none of that even matters. Those things add to your testimony, but ultimately God is your testimony! Keep walking through the fire and you will not burn because the fire and passion in you is so much bigger than any other fire!

– Forever Passionate, Ruthie 🔥

Kids Bible Camp!

Hey y’all! How’s summer going so far? Mine is going absolutely amazing… God is using me to speak into so many kids lives!

I got the opportunity to chaperone for a kids Bible Camp! Exciting right!?! I love kids so it’s right up my ally.

Side note (just for fun): how many kids do y’all want?… I want to have 3 and adopt a few and maybe even foster!?! Your turn…

On top of being fun, it’s so jaw dropping to see a room full of kids worshipping God! I have so many stories and so many yet to come as I go into week two!

I hope I can share some of those stories with y’all soon… I only had a few minutes to talk.

Be praying for kids to open up there hearts to God this week! I’m about to see some amazing miracles!

One of the things God spoke to me is that, “just as I/we have so much to say to him, he has even more to say to us.” He’s not done speaking and moving!

I love y’all and I pray God touches you guys the way he has/will touch me! I’m so on fire for God and y’all can be too!

-passionately, Ruthie ✨

10 of my favorite feelings! 💛

This is an idea that I stole from my friend vincentehindero! I’m just kidding… I didn’t steal it, I asked 😂

Anyhoo, when I saw he posted this I was like I have to do that! Awesome idea Vincent 😉👏🏼

Soooo…. These are my ten favorite feelings!..

10 favorite feelings:

– 1. When it’s a clear night (not cloudy) and the stars are out and bright! I just love to look up at them and think about how amazing God truly is!

– 2. Reading through revelation with my reading buddy! Learning and growing is good to do on your own, but it’s fun and impactful to do with another person. So thankyou, I will never ever forget this amazing experience! 🤗

– 3. Doing things I’m passionate about!.. like writing! I love to write! I write about the future, journal about the now, and I even write stories. I’m not yet confident enough to post those, but eventually I will.. I promise 🤞🏻😄

– 4. Surprises! I love love love surprises! Every little thing that can be a surprise I let be a surprise. Surprises always make me smile ❤️

– 5. Hugs. Yup, I’m totally that person who hugs everyone. I just love hugs; I think I get that from my dad!?! There’s something about hugs that make me feel safe and just all around happy 🤗🤗🤗

– 6. Compliments. Any kind of compliment makes me feel super confident. I enjoy getting and giving compliments! The happy look on people’s face after you compliment them… WOW

– 7. When I see other people happy! I could be sad, but I immediately feel cheerful when I see other people happy! I make it one of my goals to make others happy everywhere I go. ☺️😃

– 8. Hanging out with my best friend. Elise and I are both super deep people and love deep conversations! It’s just so amazing to talk through everything and know that someone gets me 😅

Not only that, but when we start talking about the world and people and God it is super prophetic! Like God is just speaking through us then we realize what we said and are amazed… it sounds confusing, but it’s actually so simple honestly.

– 9. When I’m cold and tired then I lay in my bed and just instantly feel warm, cozy, and comfortable!

– 10. When I talk to God and when he talks to me! God talks to quite often and I talk to him. Believe me, he has so much to say.. as do I. I always know it’s him because of the feeling I get inside! It is a feeling like no other and I pray you guys feel it too!?!

There is soo much more I could say, but the title says 10 😅

You guys should definitely make one of these too! Make sure you check out Vincent’s version and give him a follow!?! 😁

Happy Sunday.. in ten minutes…

– Ruthie


Ta da…. every once in a while I write poems. I’m more of a story writer, but it’s not horrible 😬😂

I may have mentioned I really like to write about romance. It’s kinda cringe, but here it is…

My Darling

My darling, my darling. You dare question my love? My dear, my heart goes with you. When your eyes water, my heart cries. When you feel joy, I feel it too. When you laugh, I know what love is. So I beg you once more; Don’t question my love for you.

My darling, your eyes are more captivating that gold. Your voice is as soft as silk, yet it commands my attention. Your lips taste like love itself.

My darling, I know God made you… Because you are perfect. No, no pressure be to you. Do not try to be perfect. For when I say, “your perfect” I mean you are perfect in my eyes… without trying.

My darling, our love is as real as the stars in the sky. As true as the flowers that bloom in the spring. And as pure as can possibly be.

Weeeell. What do you think? Cringe right??! 😂😂

If you guys find it entertaining I will post some of my full stories!? 😅

Hope this made you laugh or at least smile a little 😁

– Ruthie

Tropical Rush🌴🍍

Ok. It’s official… this is AMAZING! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

Y’all absolutely have to try this!

Here’s the recipe:

– Pieces of fresh peach 🍑

– Ice

– 1/2 pump vanilla syrup

– 1/2 pump raspberry syrup

– 1/2 pump pineapple syrup

– 1 pump mango syrup

– Sierra Mist

– whipped cream 😋

Then you mix it all together and enjoy! 😃👌🏼

For the syrups, I use Torani!

Lemme know what y’all think! 💭

Happy Summer!

– Ruthie

What’s your favorite?

Hello beautiful people! I am so happy today… And I don’t even know why!?!😜

Soooo… a great blogger friend of mine (you can find her right here: had this great idea called the favorite challenge! Before I go any farther….. Y’all should check this wonderful blogger out!.. She has soo many good ideas like this one and always keeps you on the edge of your seat! Exciting right??! 😄

Shall we start!?! 😃

What’s Your Favorite

– Color: I have 3.. Dark Blue, Silver, Black. Because of the stars ✨

– Animal: finger monkey

– Season: summer

– Sport: baseball

– Dessert: cheesecake, 85% dark chocolate, or donuts!

– Food: anything with rice 😋

– Movie: I can never decide between.. The Hunger Games, Dear John, or WhiteHouse Down

– Fruit: Peach

– Emoji: 🙃

– Drink: Cold Brew Coffee

– Word: Yayyy, Most definitely, and quite literally actually are things I say all to often.

– Flower: Blue Delphinium

– Genre to write: don’t laugh…. Romance. Yup, I write romance 😂😂🤷🏼‍♀️

– Time of day: 10:30pm (that’s when I do my best writing)

Well, I would love for y’all to ask me some more “What’s your Favorite” in the comments. Hope you enjoyed this, I sure enjoyed making it! Thanks for reading!

– Ruthie

Sunshine Blogger Award ☀️☀️☀️

Thank you Amit, for nominating me! I don’t care how many awards I get… they will all mean soo much to me!!!… that is where you’ll find his sight! 🙂 He gives great tips on fitness and posts about his workouts and what he does and recommends! 😃👏🏼


1:-Thank the person who nominated you with a link to their blog.

2:-Make a post of the award (with a photo of the logo).

3:-Post the rules.

4:- Ask 5-10 questions of your choice.

5:- Nominate 11 other bloggers (or more) and notify them.

Questions For Me:

1. What is your favorite vacation spot?

My favorite vacation spot is Florida, or more specifically Disney World! I go with my family every other year and it is a blast. The hotels are gorgeous! The food is heavenly! The roller coasters are beyond imaginable! And the pool is always wonderful on a hot Florida day!!!

2. Do you prefer hotel or camping?

Camping for sure! If you know me, you know that I love everything to do with camping. Especially fishing 😉

3. How many pets do you have, if any?

😂I chuckled at the thought of counting my animals. 😂😂

I have to many to count!… Cows, horses, chickens, turkey, sheep, cats, a dog, and of course all the random wildlife that I catch 😂😅

4. Sunny days or rainy days?

Sunny days! I love being outdoors and going on walks and bike rides… those things are more fun on nice days!?!

5. What is your favorite season? Why?

Summer! The plants are green. It’s easier to get a tan😅 Swimming is more fun when it’s hot out! The animals are more happy. I can do a garden. And soooo much more….

6. What type of clothing do you wear?

Hahahaha. That question is hard to answer… it depends on the season.

But, as of right now (summer)…I wear shorts a lot of the time. However, when I can I wear summer dresses. I love dressing up!

Questions For Nominees:

1. What is your favorite candy?

2. Do you have siblings?

3. What is your favorite song

4. Are you a night person or morning person?

5. Are you a sports fan? What team?

6. What is your dream car?

7. What are you looking forward to right now?


I don’t usually do this… I nominate all my followers! All y’all deserve this for your hard work and dedication to your blog. Good job! Keep going! 👏🏼✨✨

Hi there! I really feel led to talk about an experience I had last summer.

Last summer I went to this week long event thingy (It was fun).

Before I go into the story I should say… I have always been a person who finds self confidence a challenge, especially when it comes to appearance. It’s like: I know I’m pretty, but I don’t always feel like I am. 🙃

Anyways……. At this week long event God told me that I am beautifully and wonderfully made. He also said that he knew that was not enough for me. That week he made it a point to show me that I am beautiful! Everyday people came up to me and said something like “Oh my goodness, you are so pretty. I’ve been watching you and your just so gorgeous.” Everyday! Imagine how good I felt about myself!?! That week I felt so entirely empowered that when people came up to me I always said that I give all the glory to God.

The thing is I couldn’t actually accept what God what speaking to me, until I believed it. It doesn’t matter how many people told me I am beautiful… I had to believe it. It started with a choice that I had to make. That I still have to make! Choose to believe that you are beautifully and wonderfully made! 😉

So many many people struggle with low confidence. But you do not have to be on that list….You ARE beautiful!! Your gorgeous!!! Know that and speak that over yourself!

Now, I didn’t tell you that story to show off. I just want you to know that it’s not outward appearance that people see when your walking in the Lord! They see the light within you and are drawn to it!!!

God knows what you need. He knows best for you and has a plan for you! You have to trust him.


Outstanding Blogger Award ☺️


Hey guys! I’m sorry, I haven’t posted in a week… this has been a crazy week for sure. But, it’s been fun!

I was nominated for this award by…. drumroll please….vincentehindero Thankyou!!!If you are looking for a joyful person to bring lots of smiles and even more passion for God into your life; This is the blog you wanna check out and follow!!! 🤗😃✨


1. Provide the link to the creator’s original award post. (very important: see why in step 5)

2. Answer the questions provided.

3. Create 7 unique questions.

4. Nominate 10 bloggers. Ensure that they are aware of their nomination. Neither the award’s creator, nor the blogger that nominated you, can be nominated.

5. At the end of 2020, every blog that ping-backs the creator’s original post will be entered to win the 2020 Outstanding Blogger Award!


(My favorite part 😃😃😃)

-1. What are the best 3 phrases to describe you?

Christian, smart, and imaginative!

-2. Has your personality changed since childhood? What’s the reasons?

Definitely not. Mom tells me I’ve always been and always will be a happy person!

-3. When your upset or angry what’s the worst thing that you could do?

I don’t get angry often usually just upset or sad. But, usually I would walk away and deal with it on my own. And pray about it if it’s really really bothering me.

-4. What are you most proud of and why?

I am most proud of me getting out of depression. But, I have mentioned that before, sooo the 2nd thing I’m most proud of is my relationship with God!

-5. What’s the biggest regret of your life and why?

I know this might sound silly, but I actually have absolutely no regrets. Yes, I’ve made mistakes and yes, I’ve been hurt by other people. But, I am the person that I am today because of each of those moments. God has used each of those times for the better!

-6. If you ever win the lottery for $1 million, what would you do first?

My answer is the same as Vincent Ehindero’s. I would tithe first! Then… I’d probably be smart about it and invest or save. But, eventually I’d get a boat! 😉

-7. If you’d go for a world tour what would be your first destination and why? What’s the foremost thing you’ll teach your child and why?

I would go to Israel! I just love the thought of walking where Jesus walked. Somehow, I feel drawn to Israel…I will definitely go there at some point in life!

The foremost thing I want my child to know is who loves them. Firstly God, secondly family, and then friends!

I want my children to learn relationship with God, not religion. I want my ceiling to be their floor. I want them to learn how to hear God and speak to him. I want them to want to speak in tongues. I want them to get all the good things about me and none of the bad. I want to be the example of a God fearing person! And I want them to know and realize how fun it is to have a relationship with God!

My Questions to nominees:

1. What are 3 things that make you smile the absolute most? Why?

2. What makes you feel safe? Why?

3. Would you consider yourself clean, organized, both, or none?

4. What are you praying for right now?

5. Do you like sweet tea? (I know that sounds like a silly question, but I’m from the south.. sooo sweet tea is a biiig deal 😆👌🏼)

6. What is your favorite song? Why?

7. Do you consider yourself a romantic?


The Freethinker


Kevin Bongonyinge

H. R. Phoenix


Of course, all y’all are welcomed to answer the questions in the comments!?! I would love to hear your answers.

Thankyou again Vincent 🤗🤗🤗

Happy Fathers Day!

To: my dad… Love His (favorite) daughter 😉😂💞That is a picture of my family a long time ago. That was taken when I was 5 (I’m the girl in the jean jacket in the front). My youngest sister was not even born yet… that gives you an idea of how long ago that was 😂😱👌🏼


Thank you! Thank you, for teaching me about life… you show me what it means to have work ethic, how to never give up, and how to be patient in times I just want to keep going. You have set me up for success! You have taught me about God… gave me a strong foundation! It’s because of you that I am smart and that I want to be the best me I can be. You showed me how to pray, but also how to hear God! I couldn’t have made it to this point without you! Thank you, for always loving my mom; I know what to look for in a relationship because of your examples! I am so grateful for how far you go to defend me and how invested you are in my life! You taught me how to respect people and God! I love you dad!

– Ruthie

My dad is a great leader! He has his own businesses and has trusted God all along the way! He is soo smart.. I like to think I take after him 😉😂!? He is from Montana and married a Florida blonde (my mom). All four of his children, including me, are blonde as well.. none of us got his dark hair 🤷🏼‍♀️😆 My dad, Jeremiah, is very involved in ministry! He adds God to everything he does! He is my hero! He and I always talk about my future and he always tells me how much I will accomplish with God! He supports me, yet guides me when I am lost. As a kid, I had always brought random animals home (haha, I still do that! 😂) and he always did what he could to support that side of me… even when I brought mice into his house and almost lost them 🤦🏼‍♀️😂😂

He is a great dad! And I could not ask for a better one!! 🤗🤗🤗


My Story

Hi you guys, this is Ruthie of course. I felt led to share my story with you. So, I’m telling you now :)… keep in mind this is a very quick, summary version. Also, there is some heavy stuff so don’t read it if you feel like it just might be to much. Know your limits 😁👍🏻

Towards the middle of 2017 I fell so heavily into depression. I had my own reasons, which seemed very good at the time. Some of the reason was moving. We moved from my home, which I thought was my everything. It seemed like hell. So I soaked in my sadness. I cried myself to sleep almost every night. I pulled so far away from God. I just felt so completely lost and lonely.

Fast forward a few months… My best friend was moving an hour and a half a way. I could not handle it; I just could not loose my only friend. The only person I could talk too. You see… For a while she was my god because God and I were not exactly close. In this time I just wanted to feel loved; Soo I got into some bad friendships and relationships! Things were just getting so so bad and I just wanted to feel something… so I got into self harm. And eventually I got into masturbation. It was a temporary fix. I did not tell anyone. Shame held me so tight, like a blanket! Daydreaming became my next step away from God. I neglected all my responsibilities so that I could play games with my mind. I spent hours daydreaming about this perfect life. Daydreaming became such a drug for me! Therefore, when I had to stop daydreaming I felt worse about my own life.

I remember my lowest moment… I was in our barn in Dodge. Mad at myself, mad at God, and just yelling and crying. I felt like I didn’t matter to anyone! I was just so ready to be gone.

A few more months of hardcore depression past.

On a Saturday night in April of 2019 I decided I wanted to be happy again. I felt myself let go of my pain. The next day we went to a Cleddie Keith Conference at church and he had a huge prophetic word for me. This gave me so so much hope! I started to read my Bible daily. I wrote positive sticky notes and put them all over my room. Every morning I spoke (aloud) 30 things I loved about myself and my life. I focused sooo much on positivity! I started to compliment and encourage other people because I never ever want people to go through what I did!

Last summer I went to a Bible Camp and God changed my life! He gave me genuine Joy, peace, and positivity! He kept giving me prophetic words for me and other women!

Now, I have no idea if you relate to this or why God put it on my heart to tell y’all, but he did!

If nothing else take it as encouragement!

If you do relate… God will give you an amazing testimony too! I will be praying for you. You are not alone! God cares about you and so do I! I may not know each of y’all personally, God does. You can always talk to me about anything…. I want to be here for you! It would be a privilege to be your friend! If you ever need anything: is how you can contact me.

Keep in mind there is HOPE! 💞

-Ruthie 🙂

Vincent Ehindero Award!

Wow! This is my first Vincent Ehindero Blogger Award! Yay! I’m super happy… Vincent is a friend of mine. Y’all should definitely check him out! You will love all his posts! He combines fun with God! Super cool guy. 😃😃😃

Anyhoo… This award was given to me by Amit. You can find him here He started blogging in May and is already super successful… which proves how awesome his blog is!!! He’s really interested in bodybuilding and gives great tips. Thankyou Amit! 😉👌🏼


1. Thank the person who nominated you with a link to their blog.

2. Make a post with the award (with a photo of the logo).

3. Post the rules.

4. Ask 5-10 questions of your choice.

5. Nominate 10-30 other bloggers (or more) and notify them.

Questions Answered:

1. What is ur biggest fear?…

– My biggest fear is being alone for too long. Umm. I’m trying to find a way to explain this good.. I guess, it’s easy to let old thoughts and habits slip back in when there is nothing else to do and no-one there.

2. What is ur favorite thing you own and why?…

– Hmmm. My journals. They hold so so many memories (good and bad) and so many to come! And they are always willing to listen lol.

3. What is ur favorite way to exercise?…

– At home for sure! I feel so much better with my own routine at home honestly. Plus I have machines and weights and everything I need right at home. Ya know!?

4. What was the moment in ur life you laughed the hardest?…

– With my best friend of course. I remember the night like it was yesterday… we were watching a movie and eating popcorn. I was super super energetic and decided I was going to jump on her bed 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 Long story short… I tripped and fell into a summer-salt then hit my leg right on her desk. Yup, I had a big bruise. But, after 15 seconds of silence, We laughed sooo hard!!! 🤣

5. What is ur all time favorite dessert?…

– Cheesecake! Definitely cheesecake!

6. What was the proudest moment for u in ur life?

– When I got out of Depression! Though, not many people knew that I even had it in the first place, I knew and better yet… I knew I was free! I was proud of myself!

7. Who was the last person who made you cry and why?

– Well, I better not say who. But, here’s the why… I opened up and made myself %100 vulnerable and that person treated it like it did not even matter. Then they called me something I’m not. Then later they pretended it never even happened.

8. If money was no object what would you buy?…

– a boat. Then I could go fishing all the time!


– True living

– Clint Bulongo

– The Strong Traveller

– H. R. Phoenix

– My Expression of Thoughts blog

– Kingston Lim

– Taylor Johns

– Modest28

– Vincent Ehindero (you get your own award.. you deserve it 😆)

Questions for Nominees:

1. Are you a tea or coffee drinker?

2. Do you consider yourself a deep person?

3. Do you like your name? If you could change it what would you choose?

4. What is your love language?

5. What are the 5 most beautiful things on earth to you?

6. What makes you feel empowered?

7. Do you believe in heaven and/or hell?

8. What is your favorite question to be asked?

9. Are you closer with your mom or dad? Why?

10. If you could pass on only one of your attributes to your kids, what would it be?

Hope y’all enjoyed this! Have a lovely day! ❤️

My Workout Schedule:

Sometimes it’s hard to find good fitness plans that work for you!?! Sooo, here is what I do… Maybe it will work for you 🙃

Monday (Leg Day):

(When doing squats, don’t let your knees go over your toes)

– 10 sumo squats (toes forward)

– 10 sumo squats (toes faced out)

– 10 regular squats

– 10 squats with alternate kick

– 10 squat jumps

– 20 lunges

– 1 minute wall sit

– 20 side leg raises (10 each)

– 60 calf raises (20 toes forward, 20 toes faced in, 20 toes faced out)

– 10 minute run (1 minute run then walk for 1 minute…. and so on)

– 10 minutes biking

Tuesday (Abs day):

– 50 crunches (legs in table position)

– 50 side crunches (25 each side)

– 30 sit-ups

– 45 second plank

– 15 leg lifts

Wednesday (Arm Day):

(Use a weight that works for you… I use 20lbs usually)

– 15 (weighted) tricep dips

– 30 (weighted) bicep curls (arms forward) (15 each side)

– 30 (weighted) bicep curls (arms to the side) (15 each side)

– 10 push-ups

– pull-ups (do as many as you can.. I do 12)

– 10 (weighted) arm lifts (arms straight out to the side)

Thursday (Cardio Day):

– 5 minute jog

– 60 jumping jacks

– 60 butt kicks

– 60 high knees

– 60 squats with alternate skip

Friday (You Pick Day):

– On Friday I pick like 10 different things from above that I want to do!

Yep, you get the weekend off! Enjoy!

Remember: Drink lots of water. And don’t be to hard on yourself… You Are Beautiful!! 🤗🤗🤗

Death Sucks

Well… I have a sad story for y’all. 😥

A while ago (during lambing season) a lamb got Pneumonia due to cold/rainy weather, backwards birth, and weakest lamb (he was a triplet).

I brought him inside, dried him off, considered all his symptoms, and finally started treating him.

He was so weak! He could not stand. He could barely lift his ears.

I started to feel my hearts compassion come to the surface… This had happened many times before! I had to do something. So, I told myself, “Ruthie, do not get emotionally attached! You cannot.” I refused to let myself have hope. I refused to let myself care. I refused to love what had a possibility to leave me.

He was getting stronger! He stood up! He even “Baaaahh” a few times. So I gave in… completely and totally let myself have hope, let myself care, and let myself love that little lamb.

45 minutes after giving in… he took his last breath. Determined not to cry, I checked for any kind of pulse. No, no pulse.

I took the lamb out of the house.

“You cannot cry. You want to be a Vet, you cannot cry after every death.” I whispered to myself.

So I cleaned up. And sat down for the first time in my day. My heart breaking for the baby that gave me hope.

My eyes started to water. Though I know the reason I cry, I told myself, “you lost $250”. It’s not about the money though. It’s about the life. I realize now, that I cried a lot because I wanted to believe I was strong. Not the sensitive, big hearted person that I am.

I know, I know. It’s just a sheep. It happens. It’s apart of life. I realize that. So why do I cry? Why do I break?…

Firstly, because I feel for my little sisters who cry openly.

Secondly, because it’s sad. I mean it’s a baby.

Thirdly, I get anxiety over this. When you live on a farm death happens, it’s what I’m told that stays- if that makes sense.

So basically what I’m saying is: when you see someone in pain because of any reason, be there for that person! Be Jesus to them! You never know how you will effect them and their life!

I know this girl that people pick on and are just always feeding her so much hate. I saw her the other day and just simply told her she looked beautiful and she almost cried!

Be here for people!


Wedding details (just for fun) 😅

So. Guess what I did today?

Yep, I went to a wedding! 😃

It got me thinking about some of my own wedding details (if your a girl you probably understand 😅). And.. I thought it might be fun to share a few of my thoughts and ideas!?! 💡

Sooooo… here it goes…

My Wedding details (for one day):

Ceremony Venue

I love the idea of having a wedding on the beach! That would be my first choice most likely!?!

Reception Venue

Under the stars. ✨

If you have read some of my other posts you know I love stars! I can’t imagine my wedding not including stars. ✨✨✨

Color Scheme

I like the traditional dark blue and silver and maybe tie in some light pink.

The Dress

Hmm. I love lace sleeves for sure. This is kinda the style I want…

– The Rings

I like simple. I don’t wanna a huge diamond ring. I want something that looks simple and elegant! Something like this…

– Food

I would most likely do something more cute and light, instead of a full meal. Like finger food… Chocolate covered strawberries and raspberries, finger sandwiches, fruit… etc. Things like that 😄


I have no idea 😂

I don’t eat a lot of cake. I think lemon cake is like the only cake I’ve ate. So, I’ll have to go cake tasting 😋😋😋😅

This was super fun to make! I love that I can share these thought with y’all. Let me know what y’all think in the comments! 🤗

To: Someone out there… ✉️

To whomever needs this…

Isaiah 60:22 “When the time is right, I the Lord, will make it happen.”

Are you waiting on God? Is God waiting on you?

Someone out there is hurting. My heart hurts for you. I was once in that place. It’s hard to see truth in those times.

But, God will show you the way.

Come out stronger. Come out better. And have a story to tell! Impact…

Relax and trust God!

Love y’all ❤️



Before there was ever a person on this earth—and in fact before there was even an earth—there was already relationship. How’s that? It’s because God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit existed as three persons in one. 

Now, I can’t totally explain the Trinity. Nobody can. It’s real, but how it works goes beyond our ability to comprehend. The thing is, the Bible makes it clear that the three persons of the Trinity have dwelled together forever

Meaning relationship was, is, and forever will be. Cool, huh?

Maybe the coolest thing about all this (for us anyway) is that humanity was created out of that everlasting relationship. The Trinity had a conversation and agreed, “Let us make human beings in our own image” (Genesis 1:26). The Trinity didn’t need us. They were already perfect, complete, and fulfilled within Themselves. But out of the overflow of Their love, They decided to create humans, both male and female.

The first human, Adam, lived in the Garden of Eden with God as his companion from his first day. In other words, he had a relationship with God before there was even one other human to know. 

The picture we get in Genesis 2—3 is that God and Adam were homies. They would hang together in the garden, talk about this and that, and take walks to look at the shiny new plants and animals while enjoying the cool evening breeze together. All by themselves, just the two of them.

Here’s what we need to get out of this: No matter what other relationships we have (or don’t have), all of us can have a relationship with God. Through Christ, He invites us into the same kind of connection He has within the Trinity—a loving, giving relationship. 

Even though the top relationship goal we have on our minds right now probably is finding or improving a human relationship, it’s important to see how our relationship with God should come first and above all other relationships. It’s the relationship, our ultimate relationship, and all blessings flow out of that relationship. 

What is your relationship with God like? How does it affect your human relationships?

Think… Take in… Apply…

Live Boldly

Live with boldness

Once upon a time, there was a man from Europe who saved up money for months to buy a boat ticket to America. The trip would take two months, so the man bought a two-month supply of cheese and crackers. Day after day, he would eat cheese and crackers while watching the other passengers eat gourmet dishes. On the last day of the trip, someone approached the man with the cheese and crackers, asking him why he ate the same thing every day. Embarrassed, he answered that he only had enough money to buy the boat ticket, not the meals. The other man replied, “Didn’t you know the meals were included?!”

How many of us are living like the man with cheese and crackers when there is a spot at the banquet table waiting for us?

Through Jesus, we have not been given only enough to get by in life, but Jesus has supplied us will all we need to live full lives! 

We begin to embrace this full life by understanding our identity as children of God. As long as we believe the lies that the enemy has told us about our identity, we will never live with the confidence that Jesus died for us to have.

The key to standing strong through adversity is to know who you truly are as a child of God. 

You are not a sick person fighting to be well; you are a well person fighting sickness. 

You are not an addict fighting to be free; you are a free person fighting addiction. 

You are not a defeated person fighting for victory; you are a victorious person fighting defeat. 

Luke 14 is a parable of Jesus about a son who had taken his inheritance early. The son left home, wasting all that he was given on empty efforts and careless living. When the son eventually returned to his father’s house, filthy and empty-handed, the father didn’t condemn the son for his sin. No! He passionately embraced him—filth and all—and welcomed him back home.  

No matter what you have done, know that God embraces you as His son, His daughter. You have a seat at the table. 

…I read that and realized what a habit we have! We don’t think “Freedom”, we think “Chains”. Know who you are. Find perspective! 🙂


Liebster Award

My second Liebster Award! Wahoo!! Thankyou perseveroflife! Wow, y’all need to check her out! Her blog is new and exciting. You’ll love what you read; I know I do!

I really appreciate this and cannot wait to get started.


1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and give a link to the blog.

2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.

3. Nominate 5-11 other bloggers.

4. Ask your nominees 11 questions.

5. Notify your nominees after youve uploaded your post.

Simran’s Questions:

1. If you want to be a great writer you have to be a great reader. Do you agree with this?

– kind of. I personally love reading, but i know some great writers that are not into reading. And if you have the talent than you have it. 🙂

2. What is the purpose of your blog?

– The purpose of my blog is to spread joy! I want to be known as a positive person and I want to spread that positivity. I want my readers to know I sincerely care about each one of them! Y’all are very important to me 🤗

3. Give two good and two bad habits of yours.

– good: finding good in people & working out and eating healthy

– bad: being hard on myself & holding things in more than dealing with them

4. According to you, what defines a writer?

– Putting passion into words. Finding inspiration. Feeling free as you write what was once circulating in your mind. Loving every second of it! 🔥

5. Would you travel or rather read a book at home?

-Travel! My answer will forever be travel. It’s like living a book!

6. What is your favorite genre?

– honestly everything! I love Action, Romance, and Comedy; especially when there mixed together.

7. How are you spending your time in this lockdown?

– Well, I love biking. So I’ve been doing a lot of that. Also, we have a beautiful river by our house so I love walking by it and fishing.

8. What is your favorite book?

– hmm. I love the hunger games books series (and of course the movies). I read so many books so I couldn’t tell you for sure! The book “switch on your brain” is awesome. There’s a lot a good ones!

9. What would you do, if you get an extra day in the year?

– Oooo. I would spend it by doing things that make me happy. Like biking, writing, swimming, and fishing.

Sometimes it’s important to take time for yourself 😊

Questions for nominees:

1. Where is your happy place?

2. What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?

3. If you had a million dollars, what would you do?

4. What is your favorite word?

5. Tell us 1 fact about yourself!

6. What is your impossible dream?

7. What is one thing in your life you wish you could relive?

8. What’s one thing you’ve done that you regret?

9. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

10. What is your favorite animal?

11. What makes you different (in a good way 😂)?


All of my followers! Y’all are amazing. I’m eager to hear your answers. All y’all deserve it! ❤️

Anxious for nothing

Today I wanna share a few relatable things that trigger anxiety for me and ways to make it go away…

Anxiety is something most people struggle with from one time to another. It truly is hard.

For me, I start feeling dizzy in the beginning. I can’t control tears. And breathing feels difficult. Usually, if I’m around people I try to get away. But, if I can’t I smile and keep talking. And pretend I’m ok. If anyone happens to notice and asked what’s happening I say I’m dehydrated.

See? I have the system down. Your right, it’s unhealthy to have that in-depth of a plan.

That is why it is really good to find a person you can trust and tell that person what’s going on. If it’s the right person they will be there for you in ever situation! Thankyou, to my person 😉

Though I could keep explaining.. I should probably get started…. here goes…

What triggers me:

Being Alone

Being alone is really big for me. Usually people experiencing anxiety like being alone, but I cannot. Some of you know: I had depression only a little over a year ago. God got me out! But, being alone gives old thoughts a new chance to creep into my mind. 👀

I deal with this by… drumroll please… Daydreaming! It trains my mind that it is ok to be alone, but it keeps other thoughts from creeping in. Just be careful! Because it can also be dangerous. It can become a drug. Very addictive. Why? Because you create a perfect world (almost like a simulation) and coming back to reality sometimes seems hard. If you know what I mean. So be healthy about it… like everything, know your limits. 🙃

– Being called something I’m not

Never treat someone less than you! I’ve been in that spot and it hurts. I’m working on not taking it to heart, but it’s not easy! It takes 7 positives to block out 1 negative. That’s rough odds! So smile when you walk by someone, compliment a stranger, and show people you care. You will make someone’s day! And that should be an everyday goal. How I deal with this one is being positive towards others and breathing in the joy I see in their eyes. I don’t mean to confuse you, but if you struggle with this.. you’ll understand! 😇

Being Ignored

Ughhh. This is why I started blogging. As human beings, we need to feel like we have a voice!

Remember all the times you had something to say and were ignored or talked over. Yep, that feeling sucks! Simple solution- open your ears to people around you. Don’t just hear them. Listen to them! And talk to God. He won’t ever ignore you.

Imagine how God feels… we, as his children, ignore him all the time. Thousands of people ignore him. Change that!

Not standing up for myself

Yep. That one is my own fault. Needless to say, I’m a little bit of a people pleaser. I walk away. That’s how I deal with things: on my own. And sometimes that’s good. But, when God says to take care of ourselves, he doesn’t just mean our appearance. There is good/ healthy ways to stand up for yourself. Find which one works for you!

On that note…

Another great blog to refer to on this subject is: themindfulmodus. Her recent blog on “5 calming activities for the anxious mind” was really good! She gives great tips and ideas! ✨😁

There’s many more “triggers” I could speak on. If y’all have one in particular you want me to add I would be happy to; let me know in the comments! ❤️

– Sincerely, Ruthie

Penable Award! 🎉

Wow. Another award! My second to be exact. 😃 Thank vincentehindero for nominating me! His blog is one of the most inspirational blogs you will ever come across. He is fun, entertaining, and very smart! Y’all will be very impressed! 😄🔥

Before I get tooo swept up in the excitement…. let’s get started…

Questions to me:

1. Have you inspired someone this week?…

This question really challenged me. I am someone who loves celebrating other people and feels kind of bad when I take the spotlight; even though deep down I like it. But, it is so important to realize that it’s healthy to celebrate your own wins!

My answer is: obviously, I hope so! But, I also am sure. Lol. You get it!?… Anyhoo. I was talking with another lady about some things she is currently going through and I was able to give her some tips and advice towards the right path! Isn’t that cool!?!

And of course, my aim is to inspire you wonderful people! Love y’all! 😉😉🤗

2. What is the most fun thing you’ve done?…

Vincent!!! That is a very hard question. Hmm. Ok, here’s a good one!..

Every other year I go to Disney World! That is pretty darn fun! We usually stay in the beach club resort; though I have stayed in the Swan and dolphin, contemporary, and Polynesian. I love the food, we eat at so so many different restaurants! And magic kingdom is my favorite park. Space mountain or rock n’ roller coaster is my favorite ride! If you ever go to animal kingdom be sure to get pineapple dole whip by the tree of life! That’s all I can think of for now 🙂

3. Do you have solid future plans for your blog?…

Yes and No. Haha, sorry to be confusing. 😬😅

My solid plan is to go with the flow. Wherever God takes me, I will go. Whenever he calls me, I will answer. Whatever he tells me, I will write.

I just plan to be a light. And find more people with great passion and sincerity.. which is another reason to check out vincentehindero blog! He is very passionate and real, yet has great and entertaining stories!


1. Tag your post with the #penableaward.

2. Display the Penable Award logo (above) on your post and follow penable if you haven’t already.

3. Thank the person who nominated you.

4. Tell us what your writing talent is.

5. Ask three questions that you have been asked.

6. Nominate three inspiring people for this award.

7. Let them know you nominated them.

8. Give them three new questions.

I Nominate:

1. Contributor (the strong traveler)

2. Princess (the mindful modus)

3. The Freethinker (the truth)

My questions:

1. Who is your favorite author? Why?…

2. What is the inspiration behind your amazing writing?…

3. What is your best advice to younger you?…

This was super fun to do! I can’t wait till next time. Thanks for reading! 🤗


Beautiful Questions!?!

Ooooo. I love being asked questions and I’m convinced there is more people out there who do too..?! 😄

Sooo. We’re going to play a fun game called- if you you like questions this is the game for you! Just kidding, that’s too long; we definitely don’t have to call it that 😂😂😂

Ok, here’s how it goes…

1. Pick a question from the list below

2. Answer the question (either in the comments or make a blog about it. And state the question you picked or the number of the question.)

3. If you made a blog about it… link to this post, clearly define the rules, and make other fantastic questions for people to choose from!

Sounds like fun! Right?


1. What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

2. What is your favorite coffee shop?

3. What is three of your favorite hobbies?

4. Do you feel more confident in the morning or night?

5. How are you, really?

6. How would you behave, if you were the best in the world at what you do?

7. What is your worst fear?

8. What is your biggest goal?

9. Are you finding your dream job or are you creating it?

10. Why are you worth knowing?

11. Where does your faith lay?

12. When was the last time you did something for the first time?

13. What/who makes you instantly happy?

14. What is your favorite color?

15. What do you love about yourself?

16. What is your middle name?

17. What makes you cringe?

I hope y’all have fun with this! 🙂

If you have any questions for me, feel free to ask! I’m always excited to answer!

-Ruthie 🙂

Liebster Award!!!

Hey y’all! That’s right, my very first award! 😄😄😄

Thankyou so so much Rishabh Kumar! This means a lot to me! I’m super stoked… I feel honored 😅 I know the very first rule is to make the link to Rishabh’s blog, but unfortunately (and honestly😆) I do not know how to do that. Sooo I will leave you with his blogs name: rishabh_myjoopress. Definitely look him up! He is very poetic and has such a fantastic way with words! His blog is very inspirational 😉


Link to this blog in your Liebster Award blog post.

• Answer the questions given to you.

• Create more questions for your nominees to answer.

• Comment on this blog with a link directly to your Liebster Award.


• What makes you blog for the first time?

That’s my favorite question! And here is my answer… I wanted to have a voice. I wanted to be able to openly talk about God and to meet other people who had that same passion! (And I did 😃)

Where would you visit after the Covid-19 Pandemic is gone?

Oooo. I want to go everywhere! The place I want to go most is Israel though. Oh just imagine how spectacular it would be to travel the world!?!

• What else you do apart from blogging?

Well, my ultimate goal is to be a veterinarian. But, as for right now, I am a inspired farm girl… also I work at an automotive shop 😄

• What have you learned and discovered in this lockdown?

I have learned so much about people. A persons true colors come out in these times! However, the first thing that comes to mind is fear. I’ve learned that fear fuels a lot of people. It is sad, but true.

• If you had the power to be invisible what would you do now?

Yikes, tough one. I would probably play a silly trick on my sister 😂

• Your favorite quarantine food?

This is super easy! All the time, I LOVE peanut Butter! 😋😆

Added Questions:

• Who do you look up to the most in your life? Why?

• What is your favorite song that always makes you happy?

• What is your biggest goal in life right now?

• Why do you love your life?


A Curious Mind

• Vincent Ehindero

• Bunmi’s Crib

• buddingspark (Tanya sheik)

• The Godly Chic Diaries

Thankyou, to all my followers for letting me have this amazing experience! Love y’all!

Let me know in the comment section how to make and post a link. 😂😂😂



“So I say to you, ask and keep on asking, and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking, and you will find; knock and keep on knocking, and the door will be open to you” -Luke 11:9


If you were sent to a house and told that when the door opens you’ll get a million dollars, how many times would you knock?🚪

You would knock way more than once!?! You would knock till the door opens!

Why aren’t we like this in our relationship with God? You can make up as many excuses as you would like, but it comes back to what you want with your life.

Don’t give up! Fight! You are worth it! And God is -Most Definitely- worth it! You got this!



What does that word truly mean?Why is it that we are so willing to teach, but we are not so willing to be teachable?

That is half of the reason of our problems in this world… people say be open, yet do they truly know what that means!?… Share how you feel and listen to the other side! Wisdom is passed to people whom are teachable. The key to insight is right here… listen. Listen to God above all else! Incline your ears to the wise, so you may be wise! God doesn’t hold out on you, you hold out on God. He loves that you talk to him, but he is so eager to talk to you!

Yes, it is so fun to talk… but listen to the people around you! You’ll get so much farther.

Besides, if you knew you could have a divine understanding that you could pass to your children or you could hold back cause sometimes it feels hard… which would you choose? Or should I say: Which one do you choose?

Be teachable 😄


To do ✅

Did you think I was talking about things we must do? No silly, things we want to do.. call it what you want, but I’m going to call it my summer bucket list 😄

And so it begins……

Ruthie’s Summer Bucket-list:

1. Fishing

2. Kayaking

3. Horseback riding

4. Camping

5. Organize basement (😬😆)

6. Write more

7. Start drawing again

8. Get closer to God

9. Meet new people

10. Swimming

11. Biking

12. Start building the sheep barn

13. Visit family

14. Try new things

15. Perfect my cannoli’s

16. Get a good job

17. Smile more

18. Make other people feel how I wanna feel

19. Be confident

20. Explore

21. Photography

I’m sure the list will get longer 😆

Let me know if y’all have anymore ideas for me!

Go Get Inspiration, Don’t Wait For It!


Mmm..Food 😋🤗

Ok, I got an idea y’all!?! 💡

You guys like food right???…. Great! Me too. Lol.

I also love to cook and bake, but sometimes I run out of ideas. Sooo….. my idea is: I will list some of my favorite recipes, to give y’all ideas, and you guys comment a few of your favorite recipes for me!

Food ideas (for you):

1. Coconut Curry

2. Chicken Piccata

3. Shrimp Alfredo (not from a jar😆)

4. Tomato tortellini soup

5. Meatball sub

6. Caprese Salad

7. Coconut shrimp/ with asparagus

8. Mexican shrimp taco

9. Jalapeño popper stuffed chicken

10. Tex-mex wrap

11. Thai red curry noodle soup

12. Pizza

13. Stuffed bell peppers

14. Antipasto squares

15. Thai Quinoa salad

16. Jalapeño egg rolls

17. Sushi

18. Rice (Geez, I love rice.)

19. Buffalo chicken taquitos

20. BLT chicken salad

21. Cream cheese ragoon

22. Bruschetta chicken casserole

23. Orange chicken/ with fried rice

24. Beer cheese soup in a bread bowl

25. Shrimp pesto pizza

Ok. That’s all I could think of right now. Your turn! Don’t hold back! I want all the crazy… I love trying new things! Have fun with it!

Love y’all!


God is smart

Sometimes we forget that God isn’t surprised; he knows what’s going to happen before it happens 🙂

I love surprises! Do y’all like surprises?

Yeah. Well, some kinds of surprises are scary… it’s like bungee jumping: You know the band will hold you, yet (somehow) your surprised when it does!?! Ever felt that way?

That brings me to………

God Is Smart. He knows. You know he knows, yet sometimes we still doubt it (surprise! Your human!😆).

Now, you might be thinking: “Knows what?”

That’s up to you. What situation is scary to you? New? Challenging? Worth your time? Exciting? Alluring?… Gods in all those things. And he’s working things out for your good! 😉

I’ve had quite a few situations lately… At first I’m confused about it, then I realized how it was meant to work out in the end (God’s in the details!)

Ok then. I’ll leave y’all with that happy thought!


Create your own spark, don’t always let someone light it for you!

Are you like me: don’t like being alone? Are you someone who finds it hard to safely enjoy your own company? Is it challenging to have fun with just you?…

I came out of depression about one year ago. Sometimes it’s hard to be alone after that; old thoughts tend to creep in or I create a world in my head (daydreaming) so perfect that when I ‘leave it’ it leaves me sad and jealous of that fake place.

I’m not sure if anyone relates, but I wanna share a few ways that help me to smile on my own!

Firstly, writing. When I write down my thoughts or daydreams I am getting them out of my head… it’s like when you say something aloud and you feel like it sounds way more silly that it did in your head.

Secondly, arousing my own passions. And making them seem so exciting in head that I really wanna do them. Then I end up focusing on my passions and hobbies instead!

Next off, I’ll call someone if it gets really bad. I love having deep meaningful conversations… And they always get my head straight!

Ofcourse, pray… God cares! If your thinking about all of God’s exciting promises it’s hard to think about all that other stuff!

Hope these tips helped. -Ruthie

People need people

Do you ever think to yourself, “I’m so blessed to have (name) in my life! How would I have got out of that situation without them!?!” I find myself thinking that quite often.

God places people in your life to help you, pray for you, lead you, laugh with you, cry with you. Think about all those times you needed someone and all so suddenly God placed someone in your life!

A few years ago my best friend and I were in a rough spot. We didnot realize at the time, but God put another person in both our lives. She helped pick up the pieces.

Think about those people today. Maybe even send them a text or call them and tell them you didn’t forget what they did. Appreciate that person.. then when your that person: feel good about yourself and love the opportunity God gave you! 🙂

-Sincerely, Ruthie.

Lessons From Sheep

Hey y’all! I’ve realized how many stories I have about my animals (And pictures)!?! So I started a second blog called: Lessons From Sheep. If y’all are interested.. give it a follow!

The picture above is Kiara. She is a new addition to the flock! 🥰

– Lots of love, Ruthie

Forgiveness… Yikes!

Is forgiveness challenging for you?.. 😬 Then make it your challenge and choose to forgive those who’ve hurt you. Or even yourself..?

Hmm. Forgiveness. 🤔

What does that mean? Well, in the dictionary it means “decision to release feelings whether the other person deserves it or not.” Think about that for a moment…… I am just in awwwee of how much God forgives and keeps on forgiving everyday (Thankyou God!!!)😮😮😮…. If only we could be like him in that way. Oh wait! We can! We are made in his image (no silly, not just physical)😁

Make the choice to forgive today! Start by forgiving the person whom came to mind while you were reading this. 🙃

God forgave you before you sinned so forgive yourself and start doing the right thing! You got this! 😉

Me! Surprise! 😂

Facts about me! I thought this might be fun for my readers to know a little bit about me! And I would absolutely love to know more about you.. sooo….I challenge y’all to do this too!?! Besides, it’ll be fun 😉

I love stars, I love peanut butter, I like white lights more than yellow, I had depression for two years, learning is important to me, friendships mean more than relationships, I don’t like being bored, I don’t like being alone, I love hugs, I hate mushrooms, I am spontaneous, my favorite number is 24, my favorite colors are dark blue & silver & black (cause I love stars), I’m an emotional person, I love writing, I love baseball, I love my family, I’ve always wanted to be able to sing, I smile a lot, I’m not usually mad (so I’m told), my hands are cold 85% of the time, I daydream a lot, I love photography, I like when people look in my eyes when they talk to me, I love going on walks, I hate disappointing people, I talk in my sleep sometimes (so I’m told), I love biking, I love swimming, I love having deep conversations, I love cucumber in my water, I’m originally from the south, I have so much to say but most of the time I stay quiet (which is why I started writing), I do live on a ranch, I love watermelon, happy people make me happy, I can’t dance (lol), I don’t really like soda, I love seafood, I don’t understand football or hockey but I like watching them, I’m like always listening to music, when I hide things I hide them so good I can’t even find them (like my sisters birthday present 🤦🏼‍♀️😂), I’m hard on myself sometimes, my name is Ruth but I prefer to be called Ruthie, I’m allergic to cinnamon, I love sushi, God comes first in my life, I love traveling, I love trying new things, I think about the future a lot, I wanna be a Veterinarian

Haha. That was a lot! Ok your turn….

Navigating transition

Transition is hard… take it from someone who has moved almost every 2 years. On top of that my best friend lives an hour away. But today I wanna share a few tips to help y’all on your journey! 🤩🐾

1. Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

We may not be able to control or guarantee which opportunities will stay or go… But we can celebrate the opportunities and successes that have come our way. Besides, we should be thankful for the time we got and the things we learned! ✨✨✨

2. Your identity isn’t what you did or do. Your identity is a child of God!

No matter what jobs, roles, opportunities, or titles that you have, those are simply a side note to a much greater identity that God has given you: Child Of God!

Transition may discourage you for a moment, but it cannot keep you down for long, because God has a greater purpose on your life.🔥

3. God is always working out his good purposes for you.

It’s important to remember that God is just as passionate about helping you fulfill his purpose for your life as you are!

Sometimes it’s hard to see how Gods hand is in the situation, but it is. And I always see that towards the end, but we need to start seeing that in the beginning too!🏔

4. The best is always yet to come, when you are following Jesus!

God promises to provide for our needs in life: stand on that promise! Now, this doesn’t mean we will always have greater income and opportunities. More importantly, God gives us something far greater than money or opportunity! We can have an inner sense of peace no matter the circumstances!🌄

Burdens & Callings

Hi there! Today the words Burdens and Callings were on my heart.

I’m honestly so excited cause I’m super passionate about this subject!🤪


You know when you see someone in pain or someone starving (on tv.. or maybe in person) and you feel so burdened; like you just have to help!? That’s just an example of a burden… write one of your burdens in the comments 🙂

Lately, God has been showing me some of my Callings through my burdens; meaning that when you feel burdened, most of those areas are Callings! Whether God is going to send you there, have you pray over it, or some other crazy/amazing way for you to get involved!?! Search for those special burdens!

Psalms 139:10 talks about how his hand will lead me (you). so if something feels tooo big do not worry, God will lead you! He wouldn’t place that burden without placing a way.👌🏼

Psalms 139:10 “Even there, your hand will lead me. Your right hand will take hold of me.”

Enjoy Life 🌻

Think about it: Are you truly happy? Do you love your life? Do you feel accomplished? Are you satisfied?… Seriously, think about it!

This morning, I took a walk to clear my head and listen to God.

I hate those days that feel off. They feel like I’m forgetting something or missing something. It really starts to misguide my mood.. Then it’s downhill from there. You know? On those days I ask God “Why? Can you just fix everything please!?!” And God told me today “just enjoy life”.

Stop putting tooo much pressure on yourself and procrastinating! God isn’t going to fix all your problems everytime otherwise you wouldn’t learn anything! However, take this God-given tip and “just enjoy life.” Don’t yell when you can smile. Don’t cry when you can laugh.

Joy is right around the corner… go get it!🌻

Switch On Your Brain

Hey y’all I got news for you!…

If your anything like me you are ALWAYS looking for a good book!

There’s something about reading that is so relaxing! Oooo. Try lighting candles in your bathroom, find a homemade bath soak recipe (Pinterest is good for that!), turn on some music, and read! Or… if you have a fireplace: make yourself a cup of coffee, start a fire, get a blanket, and read a good book! I promise, you’ll feel like a new person. Lol. 👌🏼😉

Haha. Sorry, I got super off topic for a minute there. But seriously, order this book: Switch On Your Brain!

It truly is the key to happiness, freeing your mind from depression or anxiety, and healthy thinking!

Dr. Caroline combines science with spiritual truth. I wish I heard about this when I was going through depression, it would’ve changed everything! I recommended it to one of my friends and she loves it as well!

The first 8 chapters talks about how to switch on your brain, and the second half of the book is a 21 day brain detox plan!

2 Timothy 1:7 “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and a sound mind.” Meaning: We are NOT bound by the physical, we control the physical!

This is a book I could read over and over and still get so much out of! Seriously, spread the word! 🤯🙃


Memories 🦋

Memories can be good or bad!?! Some make you smile till your cheeks hurt. And others make your heart brake every time you think about them. Then there’s the memories that let you do both. Today, I want to share some of my silly memories that I made my childhood friend! We are still best friends to this day! 🙂

When we first met we knew it was meant to be. Why? Because she and I were equally crazy!

One of our favorite memories is the time we decided to play by the river. It was early spring, meaning there was lots of ice blocks in the river. Not thinking, we started jumping across the ice. Until, the ice started moving… the river was moving! I yelled run as I ran to land. When I got to land I turned back around and realized her foot was stuck in the ice. I ran out to save my friend. Just before we got to land geese started swooping down and attacking us (don’t worry; we didn’t get hurt!). When we made it to land we jumped for the trees, to hide ourselves from the geese. We paused for a moment.. (about 20 seconds to be exact). Then we laughed and laughed for like 5min straight.

Being silly and obnoxious was (maybe still is) our specialty!

We went through so many odd phases. Haha. One of my personal favorites was our “show” phase! Yes, that’s right. We dressed up as silly as you can imagine and put on shows. We even made our own songs.

But, believe it or not, we had a serious side. At the age of 11 we had meetings and very serious conversations. Meetings about our friendship (areas that needed more, areas that needed less, things we should work on, etc…). The serious conversations were usually about world problems or personal issues we needed to get out. We’ve always been good at talking and listening to each other!

Hope you guys enjoyed this! I’ll definitely post more stories as I remember them 🦋

All To Real Reality

The world shook around me. Suddenly, All I could see was black; Out of nowhere splashes of color took me to a pain-infused place. As I looked around I saw no green. As I observed this strange place I saw people crying, starving, and suffering. As I breathed in I choked on bits of ash. What was this place that filled my heart with sorrow? “I want to go home!” my thoughts screamed.

Right then, I heard an alarm clock, but not my own. As I stood and peered out what seemed to be a window of some sort, I saw a person. Yes, she was waking up and brushing her teeth while crying. “I don’t understand!” I stressed aloud.

A being, whose name and face I do not know, came up to me and explained, “You are in Kalani’s mind, or more specifically her thoughts.” My imaginative mind continued to wonder, “Huh. No. Kalani is my best friend. I would know if she was sad. I would most definitely know if she had depression.” As if reading my mind the being stated, “Don’t you see? Kalani does not want to make things hard on you by sharing this torturous pain she feels with you!” Ignoring the being, I continued to wander through Kalani’s mind. “Kalani goes to church with me. She laughs with me; There has to be a sign of real joy somewhere.” Again, the being replied, “There is, but it’s locked away. One can only access this file when they show her sincere compassion and real care; Even when knowing the hard truth.” Deep in thought, I struggled to understand this key that had been handed to me.

I decided to keep searching. Maybe she remembered times I had been nice to her or did her a favor or something. There were files on sadness, pain, anger, un-forgiveness, loneliness. So many files, yet none read love, joy, peace, or even God!

Feeling as if an unsolved mystery sits right under my nose, I looked through the window, which appeared to be Kalani’s eyes. I watched her go through her day. She did not eat, she hopelessly argued with her mom, and people continuously pointed out her flaws.

That night I heard her run outside. Kalani stood under a street light and yelled at God, “If your there, help me! I just want to die! What did I do wrong? I’m sorry!” She sobbed, while tiptoeing back to her room. Kalani cried herself to sleep. Meanwhile, I fell asleep to the faint sound of tears hitting her pillow.

When I woke up I was back in my room, back in my bed, and in the comfort of my own mind. Though I know this was a dream, I also know it is the all to real reality for Kalani.

Instantly, I called Kalani and told her to meet me at the coffee shop on Main Street. When I saw her face I ran to her and embraced her. We bought our pumpkin spice lattes and took a stroll to the park. After picking a bench in the shade, I told her I heard God and knew of her depression. Through tears she explained that she had been so deep in depression, and that if God did not send someone she would have ended her life. Today was the start of hope for her; a new life in Christ.

Hey y’all! Wrote this for you guys. Tell me what you think… I’m very curious to know!?!

Up Close And Personal…

Hey y’all! How are you guys?

Have you ever been so down that you just stand in the shower and let the water hit your back? It’s almost like an outlet!? Like in the shower you can just cry and and let it out, but when you get out you promise yourself that you’ll forgive and forget?

Well… I do. Life gets hard. People mess up. People say things they don’t mean, or they do mean, but you assure yourself they don’t.

Then you ask yourself: Why can’t I be good enough?

Then you tell yourself: You are so flawed.

The truth is.. Yes, you are flawed. Your human. We make mistakes. That “perfect person,” that you are so jealous of, looks in the mirror and criticizes themselves too. Break the chain. Love yourself.

Overall, what/who is your outlet? Is it the shower? Is it coffee? Is it your best friend? Is it your blog or your writing in general?

God wants to be your outlet! That thing you run to, as all else has failed. He won’t fail you. Put your hope in someone without flaw.. So you can be whole. you got this; just as God’s got you! 😉

Coffee! You deserve it! 💘

Not all whom wander are lost, some are just looking for coffee.

I know. I know. Coronavirus makes it hard to go get coffee. Bummer! Buuut… next best thing: Make Your Own! Try this recipe ⬇️ I dare you 😉

Pro tip.. Add whipped cream! Good aye!?! Lemme know in the comments what y’all think! 💭🙃

Confidence. Yep, it’s possible! 🥀

Confidence. Now that’s a battle! But… it is winnable!

How hard is it for you to be confident on a daily basis? Honestly, sometimes I feel like a I’m riding a rollercoaster when it comes to my confidence. I mean let’s be real It’s hard. Can it be easy? I believe the answer to that is YES. As we spend time with God we feel better about ourselves! Believe me… or test that theory for yourself!?! I challenge you to talk to God and let him speak to you! Comment your confidence level after 3 days on this challenge! You got this! You can be confident! -Ruthie

“She who kneels before God can stand before anyone.” – Romans 8:31

Burst Of Positivity 🌱

When You Focus On The Good The Good Increases….

Though they don’t, I see you. I understand. I hear you. I see your potential. Your smart. Your beautiful. You got this. Your not ignored. Your blessed with insight. Your smile is breathtaking. You are not a waste of time. Your stories are worth while. You are talented. Your funny. Your mature. I see the passion in your eyes. I feel the love in your embrace. I hear the compassion in your words. I won’t leave you. I won’t betray you. I need you. I will fight for you. You have a big imagination. You have a servants heart. Your beauty runs deeper than the surface. You are incredibly intelligent. Your inspiring. Your genuine. You don’t give up easy. You needed to hear this.

I think we can agree that we all have low days. Those days joy feels so far. Those emotional days; where you cry about everything. Those days you beg God to give you lasting joy. A few days ago I met one of those. On that day, God told me everything I wrote above. I know someone somewhere needed to hear that. God sees you! I see you. Fight for the joy that is rightfully yours! – Ruthie

John 15:9 “I have loved you even as the father has loved me. Remain in my love.”